Are you looking for a place where you can

— experience complete freedom to discover your true self

— expand on your capacity for creativity, leadership, and positive impact

— feel more supported and valued than ever?

Welcome. We’ve been waiting for you, as you are.

Rest to Harvest is the unique membership circle where you are invited to be exactly who you are — no performance, proving your worth or hiding your truth — to create space for your innermost wisdom and creativity to emerge.

The Rest to Harvest way of working and living embraces our natural cycles to maximize our capacity while minimizing our stress and overwhelm. In a world that demands us to numb our needs to cope with productivity demands, Rest to Harvest is the oasis that lets us reclaim our freedom, our birthright to rest and pleasure, and — the resulting profound creativity and insight that emerges spontaneously.

Contrary to popular culture, integrating time to Rest and Be — and pausing our doing and thinking — can increase our output while reducing our working hours, to do lists and general sense of overwhelm to constantly meet expectations and perform for approval.

Inside this 3-month membership within a small group of carefully curated members who share your desire to DO LESS and CREATE MORE  of what they believe in, you’ll learn through your personal experience and practice — simply by BEING in a space where all of you is welcome.

No lectures, no lessons, just embodied experience and guidance to integrate it into YOUR life and work, as it fits you best.

It’s time to return to yourself.

And do something you’ve never tried before:

prioritizing time for yourself — investing in space for

the one that’s waiting to emerge, when you relax.

When you are the healthiest, happiest and most relaxed version of you — everyone benefits: your family, your friends, your work, and most of all — the future. The more fulfilled you are, the less you consume and the more capacity you have to contribute. So will you make space for yourself to emerge?

Rest to Harvest is a space to practice —

It’s not another program, course or mastermind.
It’s a studio, a lab, a space for you to just BE — and stop doing for a little while.

You’ll spend 3 months practicing creating space for your inner guidance to emerge
and integrating this space and guidance back into your work and life.

You’ll be supported by a highly curated member group of up to 12 people
who share your desire to re-find their alignment with their inner cycles of rest and harvest.

With a very light framework designed to adapt to the group’s emergent needs, over three months we’ll create space to rest, harvest insights that emerge, and integrate our new way of being back into your daily lives and work.


HARVESTING WISDOM — accessing emergent guidance


In 12 weeks you will:

• Cut out stress, burnout, depression & overwhelm

• Achieve more by doing less

• Access the energy and motivation you long for

• Unlock your creativity and passion

• Expand your capacity for freedom, confidence and leadership in all areas of your life

• Create spaciousness in your daily work/life for rest, reflection and trust

• Align with your inner cycles of rest and harvest

• Discover what it really feels like to live in a supported environment

• Learn how to create a Rest to Harvest lifestyle for you and the people around you

This is a space to DO LESS — and BE WHOLE — as we are.

We will learn through first and second hand experience — so we learn at a somatic level and tap into the power of our subconscious. You will not be required to watch videos or consume more content. You’ve done enough of that already. Everything you need to know is already inside you. Inside this membership, you will create space to animate the knowledge and wisdom that’s already inside you. To harvest the intelligence of your innermost self, by creating space for it to emerge.

Stop learning. Start integrating.

What you’ll get in the private membership

  • 3 months of full access with max 12 members

  • 12 weekly gatherings that feel like a mini retreat

  • 24/7 private community support online

  • Practical experience of applying Rest to Harvest to your life and work

  • Customized sessions guided by Moulsari

  • Strategies and techniques to takeaway and continue practicing independently

  • 4 bonus sessions with custom curated guest speakers

  • Deeply connected friends & supporters for life!

  • Optional: 1-on-1 mentoring with Moulsari

Praise for Rest to Harvest


Ready to join?

Click the button below to fill out the application form. We’ll contact you to schedule a 1-1 call with Moulsari to process your membership and answer your questions. There is no commitment to join if you get accepted.


What happens inside
the Rest to Harvest membership?

In this 3 month circle, we will gather every week for 2–3 hours to create space for ourselves and each other — to be, dream, share, listen, cry, laugh, love, be loved and connect more deeply than ever.

  • Online gatherings will be dedicated to practicing creating space, guided by Moulsari

  • You will be guided to finding your own inner cycle of rest and harvest, to maximize your creative and leadership potential.

  • You will be guided at your own pace, towards your own goals and desires — while being invited to explore alternative pathways to your desired destination.

  • You will practice listening, reflecting, writing, strategizing and integrating, over a sensitive and customised 3-month framework that allows you space to discover unknown and emergent possibilities.

  • You will have access to other members in the online community portal 24/7 to share insights, resources and support on the go.

  • You will co-create the emergent truths and wisdom from the collective intelligence of the group — to realize your full creative and leadership potential.

  • You will be held accountable to your own inner truths, and guided towards the liberating freedom of radical honesty.

  • Sessions will be scheduled at various times of the week, to allow you to attend as many live sessions as possible, while integrating Rest to Harvest into your existing life.

  • At the end of 3 months, you will be equipped to integrate the space within the Rest to Harvest membership circle back into your daily life, as well as guiding others around you to live in alignment with Rest to Harvest.

  • If you don’t feel complete at the end of 3 months, you will have the opportunity to continue in the community indefinitely.

Value of 12 weeks of sessions
guided by Moulsari:
18.000 euros!

Your 3-month membership price:
- coming soon for January cohort -

Monthly payment plans available

And when you sign up now, you automatically get these incredible bonuses!


  • 5 bonus custom bonus sessions, with guest experts and speakers — value €500
    Custom-curated talks, interviews and practice sessions — designed to support your journey, and cut out noise and anxiety of missing out. Topics might include: aligning with our cycles; rewilding and nature integration; trauma release and healing; feminine leadership for all genders; harnessing collective intelligence; culture redesign; and more.

  • Welcome package including gifts to create your own sacred ritual space to practice at home — value €75
    Includes surprise sensory tools to help you create the sights, smells and sounds that will support you in tuning into the Rest to Harvest circle between gatherings, for your own mini retreat.

  • Self start guide to Rest to Harvest techniques — value €750
    Digital PDF guide with 30+ exercises, practices and journaling prompts to tune inwards on your own, with a partner or in a group, anytime and anywhere. Includes diary entries and articles that inspired Rest to Harvest.

  • Resource vault with continuously updated library to further integrate Rest to Harvestvalue €250
    Access summary PDFs, discounted affiliated programs & our hand-selected favorite resources to deepen the Rest to Harvest lifestyle into all aspects, including nutrition, movement, mental health, social support, hormonal health, somatic healing, psychology, philosophy, artistic approaches, and more.

  • Customised strategy and hot-seat mentoring within the membership circlevalue €1750
    Receive occasional customised mentorship for your personal and professional development for you and your business from Moulsari — plus the added value of fellow professionally experienced members sharing their insights and advice when you need it most.

  • Limited time offer: Add 1-1 mentorship with Moulsari for 3 months during your membership to get extra, custom support on your personal needs integrating Rest to Harvest into your work and life. Includes 3x 2-hours strategy and mentoring calls per month plus WhatsApp support on the go — value €15K total (or €5000 per month) — available for an additional €3995 total (or €1399 per month) — only during the Rest to Harvest membership.

    Total value of bonuses: 3.325 euros

    included for free in your membership price

    By the end of 12 weeks, you will be equipped to guide yourself to slow down, tune in, and be guided by your natural needs and cycles, prioritizing your health and wealth, while removing masks, expectations, and judgements.

Expect to feel




Total value of your membership:
21.000+ euros!

and that doesn’t event include the value of feeling relaxed, supported and more free and creative than you ever have before

Your 3-month membership price:
- coming soon for January cohort -

Monthly payment plans available


“Is Rest to Harvest for me?”

Are you someone who knows there’s more out there than just surviving everyday life, but you don’t know how to find it? Are you feeling burnt out, or just emotionally exhausted from the demands of modern life, without finding enough fulfillment and meaning?

Are you feeling disconnected, isolated, exhausted from stress, or overwhelmed? Are you struggling to stay connected to the people you love, or work with? Are you just tired of keeping it together all the time, and hiding away your pains and struggles, because you’re afraid of what would happen if you let go?

Or maybe you’re just frustrated at the state of the world, and how the culture of constant production and consumption is destroying our mental and environmental health — and you wish there was something you could do?

Then Rest to Harvest is definitely for you.

You aren’t the only one feeling this way. And while not everyone is ready to face these hidden away emotions and desires, Rest to Harvest is a highly curated community of authentic, generous people who are ready to explore and share them in a safe way, because they long for depth and meaning in their contact with other people.

Hi, I’m Moulsari — the creator of Rest to Harvest.


Here’s a quick story about WHY I created
Rest to Harvest

Throwback to 2017 — 

I thought I was living the life. I was making money in my freelance design business, I was traveling all the time, I was partying every week, I had a ton of friends, everyone loved me because I was the life of the party — 

But deep down, I was afraid all the time of being found out to be a fraud. An impostor.

I mean, I was great at delivering great work. But in my personal life and relationships —  I was a bit of a hot mess. I was always afraid of people finding out that it was all a front, and that they wouldn’t really like the real me. So I hid all of my dark and heavy emotions, and was just exhausted all the time from pretending to be happy when I wasn’t.

In fact, I hid it so well, I barely knew I was hiding my emotions even from myself. Instead, it just felt like I was carrying around this huge weight all the time — not on my shoulders, but in my gut. The fear was real.

Until one day, I decided to rip the bandaid off and just tell the world about all the dark shit swirling around in my head. And guess what I found out? I wasn’t the only one.

Maybe you’re reading this too, thinking, I know exactly how this feels.

Most of us are living in fear of our darker emotions. And why wouldn’t we, when our culture and media are telling us that our ideal state is one of constantly being happy and productive? And if we aren’t, then hey, here’s a solution to help you BECOME constantly happy and productive.

”You can be happy all year round, it will just cost you 2 vacations per year, 4+ bottles of liquor per week, and a ton of time scrolling on social media looking through ads telling you how you can improve your life.” — NO THANKS!

It took me over 7 long years of almost not working at all and only focusing on my healing — before I finally started to figure out that the problem wasn’t in ME — it was in my environment. The problem is in our work culture. It was in our society. It was in the way we are treated as RESOURCES rather than the incredibly sensitive, creative, expansive living beings that we are.

So I took myself out of the system that didn’t support my human needs — and I took care of myself, for the first time ever. I gave myself the space to just BE — and not measure my value or worth with my achievements or my economic productivity.

But that’s not sustainable for most people. So once I healed, I figured out what we really need to thrive — and not just survive — in this system with all its problems. And I put these three major insights together:

Insight #1: support

The moments in my life when I did my most creative, courageous and profound work was when I felt truly supported — by a small group of people who believed in me and supported me and my vision and my needs unconditionally.

Because as human beings — being seen, valued and accepted for WHO WE ARE without having to prove ourselves defines our sense of safety, belonging and actually being able to RELAX enough to let our creativity flow naturally — without pressure or purpose.

Insight #2: safety

Nothing that we learn or understand intellectually will ever have the kind of deep impact that leads to long-lasting transformation — for real change, we need to EXPERIENCE an alternate reality down to our subconscious level, and rewire our neural pathways. We need to hard wire an experience of safety into our neurology in order to be able to rest, relax and regenerate — and keep creating new things, rather than wearing away old dysfunctional under-nourished systems.

Insight #3: alignment

Everything in nature has a cyclical nature because that enables periods of rest that create capacity for new harvest. But the work cycle we have created as humans has no period of rest built into it — because weekends are too short for real recovery, and most of us are burning out trying to keep up with the pace of work today. But ever since I started living in alignment with my inner natural cycles, I was sick less often, I had more energy and creativity, and I also had more capacity to understand my own emotions — because I wasn’t overwhelmed and under-resourced all the time.

So if we all lived in alignment with our inner cycles — and built in real space for deep rest and intuitive guidance — perhaps we would increase our capacity for creative work, too.

This is the essence of Rest to Harvest.

Embracing nature within ourselves, giving ourselves the space to just be, supported by other humans so that we experience safety at the deepest levels of our subconscious.

To actually cut down our time of doing to half, so that we can let our creativity emerge naturally and spontaneously at least half the time we are awake and alive.

To FLOW with the ups and downs of our energy, our emotions, our aliveness — and let it guide us towards our most rich, profound insights and creations.

Are you secretly longing to just let go and relax?

Are you still hiding parts of yourself just to keep the peace? Do you long to be able to explore and express your whole self, and discover your inner creative capacity? Are you tired of keeping your pain, your hurt, your fears, even your deepest needs, to yourself — and wish there was someone who had the capacity if all of you? Are you holding back because you’re afraid of losing everything you’ve worked hard and sacrificed so much for?

You can. And you don’t have to do it all alone.

I don’t want you to do this alone and struggle for 5 years like I did.

That’s why I’ve created Rest to Harvest as a 3-month membership in which you get to experience this transformation in the way that you get to show up in the world — not alone, but together, with people who want to share in your truth, your journey and your inevitable success — on YOUR terms.

So, are you ready to find out who you really are, and what you’re capable of — when you finally just let go? Join us — give yourself the space to Rest — to Harvest.

Isn’t it time you finally give yourself exactly what you most long for? The freedom, the time, and the space to be YOU.

The world needs that version of you — come, let’s meet the real, FULL YOU, together.

Love, Moulsari

About your Facilitator

Hi, I’m Moulsari.

I believe our true potential is unlocked in our conscious evolution.

I am a multi-disciplinary independent creative — and idealist — with a passion to challenge people and society towards unseen opportunities.

As a social innovation artist, mentor, facilitator, culture & communication designer and writer, she designs revolutionary communities and cultures, and inspires audiences to radically re-envision the future with creativity, courage and sustainable impact.

It’s her vision to shift human consciousness at scale, with language, culture and design.

Born in India, raised in five continents, educated in New York City, and currently based in Amsterdam, Moulsari believes the diversity of humanity is our biggest superpower and creativity is our greatest tool to achieve our true potential. In her work today, she draws from her extensive personal experience in ancient wisdom from Jainism, Vipassana meditation and Ashtanga yoga.

Moulsari has been a senior faculty member at The School of Life and has guided thousands of leaders in a range of organisations, including Netflix, Cartier, KPMG, and She has been invited to speak on stages at TEDx, The Next Web, House of Beautiful Business, Soho House, RiseUp Summit & many more. Moulsari holds degrees from Parsons School of Design in New York and THNK School of Creative Leadership in Amsterdam, as well as certifications in Sustainability Leadership from Cambridge and Culture & Dilemma Reconciliation for Business from Trompenaars-Hampden-Turner, amongst others.

as seen at

Praise for Moulsari’s guidance

By creating safe spaces and emotionally powerful experiences, Moulsari leads people to closely examine and challenge what others take for granted.
— Participant in Moulsari's sessions


Pricing & Payment


Rest to Harvest 3 month private membership

  • 3 months of full access with max 12 members

  • 12 weekly gatherings that feel like mini retreats

  • 24/7 private community support online

  • Practical experience of applying Rest to Harvest to your life and work

  • 12 customized sessions guided by Moulsari (value 18.000 euros)

  • Strategies and techniques to takeaway and continue practicing independently

  • Up to 5 bonus sessions with custom curated guest speakers (value €500)

  • Deeply connected friends & supporters for life!

  • Bonus resources worth €3.325 euros!

  • Limited time offer: add 1-1 mentoring with Moulsari (details below)

Total value of your membership:
21.000+ euros!

Your 3-month membership price:
- coming soon for January cohort -

Monthly payment plans available


Limited time offer: add 1-1 mentoring with Moulsari

Add more value to your 3 month journey, with individual and customized support from Moulsari

  • 2 hours of calls per month to use when you want

  • Ongoing 1-1 WhatsApp support

  • Customised exercises & practices

  • Customized homework for integration

  • Customised strategy to apply Rest to Harvest to your life and work


Total value of 3 months 1-1 mentorship:
15.000 euros!

Add 1-1 mentorship to your membership:
- coming soon for January cohort -

Monthly payment plans available

in addition to your membership fee

Cancellation Policy

Due to the nature of the membership, we are unable to offer cancellations or refunds. In case you have questions, please don’t hesitate to email us to discuss your needs.


Ready to join?

Click the button below and fill out the request form in just 5 minutes. We’ll get in touch with you to schedule a 1-1 call with Moulsari to explore your membership. You are not committed to pay or join if you get accepted.


Praise for Rest to Harvest


The Rest to Harvest session was the highlight of the entire House of Beautiful Business 4-day event. I felt so much joy and meaningful connection. This safe space for unexpected breakouts of emotions made me feel not alone and normal with my feelings. I feel a deep longing for belonging, love and intimacy.

Iris Obojes, Co-Founder and Creative Room with a view

Love your work. Inspired us at Transfiguration Advisory to take more team time off to germinate what we plant. It helped us think about how to follow the planetary cycles more in our daily work... And to take longer periods between projects to let what we planted within ourselves and our clients germinate.

Nikola Jurisic, Founder and Managing Partner at Transfiguration Advisory

I participated in the Rest to Harvest session led by Moulsari as I’ve been searching for a while about how we reframe work so we can make more space to just BE. I found it inspiring to link it to feminine cycles as being a founder demands so much energy all the time and that alignment might allow us to choose when to invest our energy in certain missions.

In less than an hour, it connected a bunch of strangers in such a meaningful way that we felt compelled to share our personal stories and feelings by holding space. I’m still reflecting upon the experience and how can I make it part of my day to day and bring my team in. Thank you 🙏🏼

Andrea Crossley, Innovation Director, Sao Paolo Brazil

Thanks for creating this space. Just yesterday I shared with a colleague the idea of working for two weeks and resting for two weeks and he was mind blown, as this is something he never considered as a option. It's super interesting to see how people respond to this idea :) The concept of Rest to Harvest really stayed with me.

Adi Cohen, Architect • Forbes featured • TEDx speaker • World Traveler • Visionary

I liked the notion of going with female energies, and following that lead.  Perhaps in essence you are advocating a model in which we pursue humanness, happiness, balance, connection to self and others, and shift away from the omnipresent frame in which success is defined solely in terms of material and monetary wealth, youthful beauty, positional power and status.

Patrick Leenheers, Program Director - Corporate Innovation and Transformation, United Innovation Services

What I loved most about the session was Moulsari’s ability to create a safe space for us to be our authentic selves and express vulnerability, even at work [in a corporate environment]. The questions allowed me to tap into feelings and identify behaviours that I often ignored. The exercises were very helpful. 

— Leader at Rabobank

Through your gentle expert guidance you enabled a very heterogenous group of professionals to quickly explore their inner workings/feelings in what resembled a turbo charged therapy session. No one should doubt that acute self knowledge is essential for effective leadership and your workshop offers a valuable tack on this path. 

— Entrepreneur at House of Beautiful Business

What I loved is that everything was created from a dialogue, from a creative relationship. This creative relationship changed my perspective on me, on my abilities, on the world. What I also appreciated a lot was Moulsari’s ability to move from a philosophical and profound gaze to a concrete approach to the world of work and daily life.

— Creative professional



  • This is for you if:
    • you are feeling isolated, overwhelmed or exhausted by life
    • you feel frustrated at the disconnection between people, and the values you hold dear
    • you need trauma-informed group experiences with real humans
    • you long for a group of people you can be truly vulnerable and unfiltered with
    • you are seeking alternatives to hierarchical patriarchal structures in society and work
    • you dream of a better world for us all

    This is NOT for you if:
    • you want clinical therapy or help with serious health problems
    • you are not willing to be challenged in your beliefs and assumptions
    • you are not open to experimenting and experiencing new ways of being together with others
    • you enjoy arguing, debating, or over-intellectualizing emotions and personal experiences
    • you’re looking for academic validation — while it may be out there, it will not be the focus in this group

  • You probably will. Because during this experience, you will likely be met with resistance and doubt and fear. We encourage you to stick with it. Reach out if you are struggling, sharing our struggles is a big part of this process. And if you find yourself in extenuating circumstances, send an email to Moulsari and let’s discuss over a call.

  • A highly curated, hand-picked group of people with significant professional and personal experience, situated globally who are in search of a community of people they can be authentic and generous with, without fear or performance.

  • Extra sessions such as interviews, Q&A and talks will be added on as we go along in our 3 month journey, curated to align with the needs of the group. The goal is to reduce noise, pressure and overload of information, so these are purposely not pre-selected, but will include experts and teachers from Moulsari’s extensive network including speakers and teachers from The School of Life, THNK School of Creative Leadership, Parsons School of Design, as well as celebrated authors, psychologists, spiritual teachers and more —, who will add dimension to any topics that we might be discussing, whether it’s natural cycles, trauma, feminine leadership, health and wellbeing, relationships, spirituality, meditation or more.

  • You can pay with your credit card through a payment link once your membership is approved — or you can request an invoice and pay by bank transfer to the Netherlands.

    If you choose a monthly payment plan, your credit card will be automatically charged, or you will receive a monthly invoice for 3 months.

  • You will receive an on-boarding kit once your payment is received. You’ll also receive access to our member-only groups. And finally, you will receive some practices that you can start immediately to connect with yourself and others around you.

  • Please don’t hesitate to ask us your questions by sending an email — we will reply to you within 3 business days (and not as soon as you send it, because we are living the Rest to Harvest way and we don’t believe in the artificial hurry of today’s pressure-filled world — and invite you to do the same).

Rest to Harvest is a philosophy, a vision, and a radical proposal to completely redesign culture and society, to become truly inclusive, diverse, sustainable and healthy. And we really need it.
— Moulsari, founder