Okay, quick story:

Throwback to 2017 — 

I thought I was living the life. I was making money in my freelance design business, I was traveling all the time, I was partying every week, I had a ton of friends, everyone loved me because I was the life of the party — 

But deep down, I was afraid all the time of being found out to be a fraud. An impostor.

I mean, I was pretty confident in the quality of work I delivered, that wasn’t the problem. But in my personal life — I was a bit of a hot mess. I was always afraid of people finding out that when I went home, I spent hours just recovering from being social, and I was exhausted from constantly being that life of the party. I loved being loved so I did what I had to — but I also felt like I was hiding such a huge part of myself because I was so afraid of people leaving when they found out I wasn’t happy all the time.

In fact, I hid it so well, I barely knew I was hiding my emotions even from myself. Instead, it just felt like I was carrying around this huge weight all the time — not on my shoulders, but in my gut. The fear was real.

Until one day, I decided to rip the bandaid off and just tell the world about all the dark shit swirling around in my head.

And guess what? Sure, some people thought I had lost it — but more importantly, SO MANY people thanked me for my honesty, my authenticity, for putting into words how THEY had been feeling secretly. But most of these messages happened behind the scenes, because the truth is — 

Most of us are living in fear of our darker emotions. And why wouldn’t we, when our culture and media are telling us that our ideal state is one of constantly being happy and productive? And if we aren’t, then hey, here’s a solution to help you BECOME constantly happy and productive.

You can be happy all year round, it will just cost you 2 vacations per year, 4+ bottles of liquor per week, and a ton of time scrolling on social media looking through ads telling you how you can improve your life. —
Sorry, but I’ve unsubscribed.

(Okay, unsubscribed MOST of the time — I’m still human and susceptible to good advertising!)

Instead, I longed for real acceptance of who I am. And I started by creating it within myself. Let me tell you — I have never done anything more difficult! It took me years of stumbling around in the dark, trying to figure this out on my own. There was no roadmap, no role models, and no clear guidance. But in the end — what actually worked was simple:

I had to quit feeling like I had to learn some magical skill to be able to feel better in my own life and become the person I thought I would one day become. And I had to start truly valuing who I was in the here and now — free of my accomplishments, achievements and productivity.

And I couldn’t do this alone. It might sound a bit silly — but my greatest guru turned out to be my … cat. Because animals and plants don’t demand us to put on our disguises, masks and pretenses that we have been told we need in society to be liked or loved. Animals respond to our energy, our presence, and our pure, genuine love.

In the presence of a loving being, I taught myself how to just be ME and stop pretending to be cheerful when I wasn’t, and productive when I couldn’t, and strong when I was tired. I learnt how to just BE — and not DO. And still feel loved. Needed. Valued.

I’ve had moments in my life when I had this from people, too — people who I could let down my guard with because I knew I was loved no matter what. And in those moments, I did some of my greatest, most courageous, and most creative work. Because as human beings — being seen, valued and accepted for WHO WE ARE without having to prove ourselves has a HUGE impact on our sense of safety, of belonging and of actually being able to relax enough to let our creativity flow NATURALLY — without pressure or purpose.

This is the essence of Rest to Harvest.

Embracing nature within ourselves, giving ourselves the space to just be, to actually cut down our time of doing to half, so that we can let our creativity emerge naturally and spontaneously at least half the time we are awake and alive.

To FLOW with the ups and downs of our energy, our emotions, our aliveness — and let it guide us towards our most rich, profound insights and creations.

Now, maybe you have kids, or a partner, or some wonderful family or friends in your life with whom you already feel free to be you, without any effort. And maybe, if you are lucky enough to have those people, you don’t really need to LEARN to love yourself AS YOU ARE — without your achievements and accolades.

But maybe you have those things, and you still feel like you’ve been hiding a part of yourself away all your life. Maybe you’ve been keeping yourself under wraps since you can remember, just because you don’t want to burden anyone, or you don’t really love or respect those parts of you that you’ve been taught are not worthy or valuable. You keep your pain, your hurt, your depression, your anxiety, even your fears, to yourself — because that’s the only way you know.

And what you really long for secretly is to just LET. GO.

Without the fear of losing everything you’ve worked so hard for.

To discover that even when you are less than perfect, less than put together, and less than happy — you are worthy of love, you are capable of creation and you are accepted exactly as you are.

I don’t want you to do this alone and struggle for 5 years like I did.

That’s why I’ve created Rest to Harvest as a 3-month membership in which you get to experience this transformation in the way that you get to show up in the world — not alone, but together, with people who want to share in your truth, your journey and your inevitable success — on YOUR terms.

So, are you ready to find out who you really are, and what you’re capable of — when you finally just let go?

Join us — give yourself the space to Rest — to Harvest.

Isn’t it time you finally give yourself exactly what you most long for? The freedom, the time, and the space to be YOU. The world needs that version of you — come, let’s meet the real, FULL YOU, together.

Love, Moulsari

click here to request information about
the 3-month Rest to Harvest membership circle

starts in september 2023


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