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This is how you change the world — with Rest


This is how you change the world — with Rest

What do you do in a world that demands your submission just so you can stay alive? What do you do when your job and your paycheck demand that you keep doing more, and more and more? How can you stop in a culture that thrives on you exploiting yourself completely?

This is how: You change the culture.


Why we need Rest — to Harvest


Why we need Rest — to Harvest

Most of us are living in fear of our darker emotions. And why wouldn’t we, when our culture and media are telling us that our ideal state is one of constantly being happy and productive? And if we aren’t, then hey, here’s a solution to help you BECOME constantly happy and productive.


Consciously vulnerable


Consciously vulnerable

We are stuck in a vicious cycle in society.

We don’t let ourselves be vulnerable to each other because we don’t trust each other to not hurt us. And we don’t trust each other because we don’t trust ourselves to take care of ourselves.


Holding space for (super) humanity


Holding space for (super) humanity

I believe we have the potential to evolve to our higher consciousness as beings — if we just find the courage to go through our emotions, fears, ecstasies and desires, instead of around them.

What does it really mean to be human?


How Artists Will Save Business (And Humanity)


How Artists Will Save Business (And Humanity)

Imagine businesses and organisations became places for such conscious development of humanity. Places of play. Of true, open-ended creativity. Of real fulfilment, meaning and purpose. This world is already on its way, and it's time we prepare ourselves for it.


What every business (and the world) needs


What every business (and the world) needs

They create and define the culture we live in, what we choose to value and how we measure ourselves up in society: art, design and branding. What if we are overlooking their potential to influence social behaviour enough to not just make business richer, but to solve some of the world’s most critical problems too?
